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      技術文章/ Technical Articles

      您的位置:首頁  /  技術文章  /  安科瑞DTSD1352-C系列三相導軌電表在馬來西亞光伏逆變器中的應用


      更新時間:2023-08-31      瀏覽次數:316

      1.項目概述:Project Overview


      Malaysian customers purchased inverter from sungrow, application in local photovoltaic projects, Customer require to monitor the power of the inverter and view the photovoltaic power data, the meter needs to meet the protocol docking with the sungrow inverter. Acrel provides the DTSD1352-C series of three-phase energy meters, which belongs to the sungrow power meter selection manual series and meets the sungrow communication protocol.

      2.DTSD1352-C系列三相導軌式電能表 DTSD1352-C Series Three phase energy meter Din rail installed


      DTSD1352-C is a smart meter designed for power supply system, industrial and mining enterprises and utilities to calculate the electricity consumption and manage the electric demand. It features the high precision, small size and simple installation. It integrates the measurement of all electrical parameters with the comprehensive electricity metering and management provides various data on previous 12 months, checks the 31st harmonic content and the total harmonic content, realizes the remote communication and the remote control with switching input and relay output and boasts the alarm output. It is fitted with RS485 communication port and adapted to MODBUS-RTU. DTSD1352 can be used in all kinds of control systems, SCADA systems and energy management systems. All meters meet the related technical requirements of electronic power meter in the IEC62053-21、IEC62053-22 standards.

      3.型號說明Model description

      4.技術參數Technical Parameters

      5.接線和安裝Wiring & Installation

      6.組網拓撲圖 Network Topology

      7.安裝圖片Installation Site







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